Sunday, December 31, 2006

Why Did the Republicans Fail to Deliver on Roe V. Wade - Why is it Still the Law of the Land?

For the last 6 years the Republicans have held the White House, They have held majorities in the House and the Senate. They have installed judges in the Courts. Their critics say they have packed the courts. They held all three branches of the government. During that time they could have overturned Roe v Wade. But they didn’t. Roe v Wade remains the law of the land.

While it is never an easy choice, I believe that people should have access to the medical procedures they need when necessary, no matter how difficult or painful. The alternative in this case is a world where people have no control over when and with whom they have children. Your daughter could get raped by some 'gangsta-rapper' and would have to be reminded of the torture of the rape every day for the rest of her life.

But that’s not the issue. The issue is that for the last 6 years the “Republicanistas,” the ideologues of the Republican Party, controlled all the branches of government, yet they didn’t follow through on their promises. While their cheerleaders in the media whined that the liberals were in control, these “Republicanistas” had the power but did next to nothing. All they did was take your money for their campaigns and line their pockets. They took your vote, they made promises, and they broke their promise. They sold your vote to the lobbyists but the Republicans did not keep their word.

I’m going to vote for people who say what they stand for. I’m going to vote Democratic.

I’m going to vote for people who deliver on their promises. I’m going to vote Democratic.

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