Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ten Cents A Coup, by Phil Ochs

It was a used-car dealer's election
The choice was rather small
The boys agreed
It's the war we need
So there's no President at all

Here's to the Grand Old Party
They are the stars of the stage and screen
It's not since Laurel and Hardy
Have I laughed so hard I screamed.


  1. Phil Ochs had it. A poetic metaphor for the screwing were getting.
    I miss him.

  2. Check out my songs 'The War of the Wild Goose' and 'Sunbathing in Siberia.' Both are posted on '' (altho Sunbathing is at this time only available as a lyric. I hope to have a streaming audio file in mid-January.

    I also hope to play in one of the upcoming remembering Phil Ochs concerts.
