Saturday, September 6, 2008

McCain's Plans for Young America

McCain has a three Point Plan for American Youth:

1) Draft them.

The Bush Administration is planning to end the war in Iraq in 2012, which means they will continue the war until 2012. McCain is talking about a "pre-emptive" war with Iran. You remember his mangling of the Beach Boys "Barbra Ann" into "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran." The "tribute to Sept 11" said "the first attack came from Iran" and I think refered to the hostage situation of '79.

2) Gut their veterans benefits.

McCain's G. I. bill is career service in the military.

3) Destroy the planet.

Drill, Baby, Drill" the McSame energy plan is coal, oil, and nuclear. Gore, who really won the popular vote in 2000, says we should be 100% solar and wind in 10 years. "Clean and green by 2018!" He's right. It would cost a lot of money - about $950 billion - but that's less than the war in Iraq, and probably less than we will pay for oil over the next 10.

This is how he will make the wounded vets and the parents, children, and siblings of soldiers who gave their all feel better.

To paraphrase the credit card commercial, what's in your arsenal?

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