Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Palin and the GOP: I Can Hardly Wait

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is the featured speaker at the Grand Old Party conference tonight. I can hardly wait. Click Here for the Washington Independent or Here from Anne from Alaska on Sarah Barracuda Palin Images

I imagine Gov. Palin will talk about "Family Values" and being a "Hockey Mom." She should talk about becoming a "Soccer Mom" because if we follow the Bush McCain energy strategy the tundra will melt and soccer will replace fishing in Alaska. Who cares if we lose New Oleans, Florida, the Outer Banks, the Jersey Shore, and Cape Cod. We got Alaska. Some of it's high and dry. As the song goes:

Who cares about those Polar Bears.
I got my baby seal fur coat.
I got mine and I got no cares,
Got no room left on this new houseboat.

From "Sunbathing In Siberia" by XB Cold Fingers. Used with permission.

Palin will talk about energy. For Palin "energy independence" is nuclear power, with tons of radioactive waste, "clean coal," with the high costs of mercury, and carbon sequestration, and offshore drilling, including the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, ANWR. I don't expect to hear her talk about solar power and wind power. I don't expect to hear her talk about "Global Warming" or the need to move from fossil fuels to modern energy sources.

"Clean Coal" is like "Abstinence." It's not realistic, and therefore it's bad policy.

Palin will probably not mention trying to fire Alaska's Public Safety commisioner Monahan because he wouldn't fire the state trooper who divorced her sister. She will probably talk about fighting corruption and her support of Senator Ted Stevens. It looks like, at least part of the time, she fights corruption in Alaska by sending it to Washington.

Palin will talk about her willingness to serve, and her experience: her B. A. In Journalism from Idaho State, her winning "First Runner Up" in the "Miss Alaska" contest - she didn't even Win! Her experience as Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a metropolis of 7,000, almost two years as Governor of Alaska. How exactly does Sarah Palin compare to Joe Biden? His family is bigger than Wasilla, Alaska. I am supposed to believe she can take over as President of the United States and Commander in Chief if something happens to McCain?

I don't get McCain. He complained that Obama is popular, called him a celebrity, compared him to Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears. Then in his first "Presidential" decision, he picked a woman Brittney and Paris could relate to. Altho, given their lifestyles or profession both Spears and Hilton have more overseas experience. Maybe he saw Hilton's ad and decided to pick her, but she turned him down. Or maybe he thought she would be even better than Cindy as Miss Buffalo Chip?

Yeah, that's the ticket.

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