Friday, October 24, 2008

Palin and McCain Argue Over Her Wardrobe

RNC HQ, the Campaign Trail. Oct. 24, 2008. An angry John McCain lit into Sarah Palin about her wardrobe.

Our sources have provided a transcript of their conversation.

could you possibly spend $150,000 on clothes in two months?" McCain asked Palin. "What did you buy? $150,000 in two months? That's more than I've spent clothes in my entire life, and I'm 72 years old. It's almost as much as my wife makes in a week, or a month, or something like that. It's what Joe the plumber will make in two, maybe three years. What were you thinking?"

"C'mon McCain," Palin said, "I'm helping the economy. And it's not your money. And besides, you don't let me talk to the press. What else am I supposed to do?"

"Well you could read the Constitution, for Chris-sakes. And Jeez Palin, $150,000 on clothes? It's more than Paris Hilton spends. It's even more than Imelda Marcos spent on shoes!"

"I know Paris. She's sweet. She looked real good in that bathing suit in the campaign ad she did.
I should take her wolf hunting from my helicopter. Who is Imelda Marcos? Is she a Cuban? Did I meet her in Miami?"

"How can you not know Imelda Marcos?" McCain yelled. "I made you the Vice President candidate. I can break you. You're fired."

Palin was as cool as Obama: "The election is 11 days from today. You're gonna lose without my church ladies, my hockey moms and all those Joe Sixpacks who love me. Larry Flynt, the magazine publisher, is making a movie about me, "Nailin' Pailin' or somethin'. Tina-Fay Somebody, that girl from "Saturday Night Live" and "30 Rocks" loves to play me - I'm the best thing that happened to her in her whole career. And you can't say 'You're fired.' You're not Donald Trump."

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