Saturday, November 3, 2007

Mukasey Refuses To Commit.

Is "Waterboarding" torture? Mukasey won't say. The Democrats say waterboarding is torture. The Germans, the British, the Israelis, the Chinese, the Russians, say waterboarding is torture. The British say it doesn't work. The Russians say it's fun, but it really doesn't provide good information, because suspects tell the interrogators what they want to hear, to get it to stop.

But is Waterboarding Torture? Mukasey won't say.

This is an important question. Yet it's also important that Mukasey not answer. And here's why. Forget the question of a U. S. Attorney General appearing to allow torture. Gonzales crossed that bridge. He even tortured his own people - Gonzales tortured Republicans. With every appearance before the Senate grinning like an idiot with his hand in the cookie jar saying 'what cookies?' Gonzo Gonzales tortured the Republicans, and every conservative citizen who believes in the rule of law.

Like most lawyers, Mukasey loves the law. And like most men, Mukasey has issues with committment. Perhaps if asked by Larry Craig, or an attractive women, a Senator who looked like Scarlet Johanssen, or Marilyn Monroe, Mukasey would want to commit - at least for a while.

Maybe Dick Cheney, the President of the Senate, should ask the question. He and Judge Mukasey could talk about it while hunting.

Eureka - that's it - the prospect of a hunting trip with Dick "The Rifleman" Cheney explains why Mukasey won't answer the question. He's worried about being invited to hunt with Cheney. Or to visit Guantanamo to experience firsthand the pleasures of waterboarding.

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